Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Challenge....

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

*ominous music playing*

So I heard about this book 31 Days to Clean:Having a Martha House the Mary way by Sarah Mae on facebook a friend of mine got a copy for free (I think?) then another friend posted a link to a blog about raising homemakers (filed that one away for a future daughter God may bless me with) and the book was advertised there AND this challenge was offered. This book seemed to keep popping up and I was intrigued at the idea of a book that might teach me a system of keeping my home. I struggle with this and not because I don't enjoy cleaning but I feel like I don't have opportunity cuz I'm chasing around this grabby little person who's mission in life is to seek out trouble. Maybe I use him as an excuse? I am definitely guilty of collapsing exausted and spending my cleaning time relaxing! At any rate I would love to have a better heart attitude when it comes to my home. I would love for it to be cleaner and more organized. It would make me feel less stressed and maybe more relaxed when I have time to relax!
I feel like God kept putting this book in my face for a reason so I woke up this morning with a niggling little nudge nudge in my mind that I should jump ship and do this challenge. What do I have to lose? The book costs $5 on my(new amazing hopefully life-changing) kindle which is a small price to pay for a clean house and a God centered attitude toward keeping my home.
I hope to be faithful about blogging thru the next 30+ days. I don't have to every day just once a week. More than a committment to blog tho I hope I can be faithful about doing each task each day the one for my heart and the one for my home... Help me friends hold me accountable and ask me how its going! I may have no idea what I'm in for!

Here's how it works:
1. Read the chapters each day that week. Highlight, take notes, do what you have to do to engage the material. Don’t just read it. Really allow it to change you. Journal, pray, look up scriptures.
2. Write a post (or more, if you like) sharing your most challenging chapter for that week and give us a personal glimpse as to why you struggle in this area. Don’t worry! We all have an area of struggle, so we will all be sharing! Share what you need that could help you in that area. I will be posting a struggle, but also some extra solutions to accompany what Sarah Mae has offered. If you feel compelled, why not also share something that comes easily for you? Perhaps you could offer tips to others who may be struggling?
3. Use the button in your post so that others can find their way back in case they would like to join us. The more the merrier! I have changed the code so it brings you to the list of “31 Days to Clean” posts. You can find the button in my sidebar.
4.Link up your post(s) on Friday, beginning May 6th . It doesn’t matter what day you choose to write your post, you can still link it up on Friday.

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