So Sunday Deaira and I went and got the keys to our apartment which has been something we have been greatly anticipating. We love our little apartment. God has been so good to us! It’s the perfect size, the perfect location and the perfect price! The kitchen doesn’t thrill Deaira as much as she had hoped but recognizing it as the gift from God that it is, she has learned to like it. Now poor (or lucky depending on your point of view) Deaira hasn’t been back to the apartment since that day. Kyle and I have been moving in all that we could since Monday and working hard to get as much done as possible. We have managed to empty out about 1/3 of the bed room and completely empty out the storage unit. Just so you get a feel for the amount we are talking about. It took 2 full size trucks and Dana’s Van to get all the stuff to the storage and just me and Kyle and my little Caravan to unload it. It’s been good time to spend with Kyle. We had IHOP one day which was great! We went to the mall to pick up my ring Monday after 3 loads to the apartment, it was a nice breather. We ran into Elgin which is always an adventure. We set up the book shelf and the dressers in the bed room which makes it look 20% like a real bed room now LOL. At one point during the day Tuesday Kyle asked to see the back patio. We were standing around talking about a place to put a barbeque when I noticed two huge peaches lying on the ground. I stared for a second wondering if someone had thrown them at the apartment! Looking up I was both delighted and a little shocked to see 3 more hanging there from the tree! Kyle and I have met 3 of my new neighbors. They are all women and all very kind. At the end of the day after the last load was done Kyle and I sat down on the porch to take a breather and he pointed out how lucky we are to be within walking distance to the rib cook off , the fireworks, the farmers market and the Christmas parade! He sounded a little jealous! I told him he could crash on our couch any time and walk to any event he wants! So there is still plenty to move and I am exhausted today. It’s been good though and I’m excited and ready to get back to it! I am perhaps a little naive but I just can’t wait for this to be our first home. To know when I go there that my wife will be there waiting for me! I just need to say more than anything God has always been so good to us. We have had our moments of “How are we going to pull this off”?!?!?! God has given us everything we need in his perfect time, my hope is that we can all recognize those moments and gifts and give praise!
But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!--Matthew 6:30
But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith!--Matthew 6:30
Woot! Woot! Welcome to Sparks! We're neighbors!
so excited for you, peach trees! Fun things to walk to! God is good!
Love, Danae
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