Without divulging our secret identities and wanting to remember for posterity this time in our relationship where we're so head over heels in love and silly. I just wanna talk about a silly thing we do that makes us happy would probably make most people gag if they knew the truth haha but Steve and I have these ridiculous pet names for eachother but we love them we hold onto them they're in some ways like an alter ego for us... complete with baby talk and teasing... its not uncommon for me to yell his pet name across the room when i need his attention. I'm ashamed to admit it but we even have a silly song i made up with his pet name... oh yes... its that silly that disgusting and all the more vital to us because its a reminder of our silly laughing happy times when we've fought we'll tentatively ask "Am i still your **insert sickening pet name here**?" and we'll respond "Of course you never stop being a **insert sickening pet name here**..." Our kids and grandkids will probably tease us mercilessly for it someday ashamed and embarrassed by it ( at least i hope so) but I hope they'll see they'll learn they'll always know that our special names for eachother are the good parts of our relationship the special happy cuddly times the giggling laughing silliness that is so important to us... I don't know how we stumbled upon them one day I just started calling Steve his name thinking it was the cutest most silly thing and it stuck it stuck so much i was forbidden from uttering it while we were in michigan lest his family hear it and tease him... And my name came in turn his revenge against the silly moniker i had for him and tho at first we rebelled and didn't understand we've come to embrace and cherish these nicknames making up silly songs making up silly things like the "**insert sickening pet name here** handbook and care manual" and did you know that **insert sickening pet name here**'s run on pepsi and starbucks? oh yes we are sad silly little people with disgusting sugary pet names for eachother that mean so much to us... but he is my **insert sickening pet name here** I love him so he is my bestest friend in the wide wide world and I'm gonna marry him and be his wife cuz I'll love my **insert sickening pet name here** for my whole life.....
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