Look at those faces... so young so sweet. So completely totally ready and excited to look cute scatter leaves and wear princess dresses! This is Niah and Olivia Briggs, my flower girls. I needed a big pretty girl who could handle the responsibility of sprinkling leaves for me to walk on and I needed an adorable fairy-girl to carry a special kissing ball. Where was I going to find such special young ladies as these... right in my own church... Niah and Olivia are church family they are my friend Kelly's daughters I grew up with their Daddy, and their uncle is part of the reason why i'm a star wars nerd. Their Mimi was my sunday school teacher and it just seems fitting to include part of my church family in my wedding party. I know they don't realize what having church family in my wedding party means to me they're just excited to wear a pretty dress and scatter flowers and leaves but its fitting for me. My church family has always been a HUGE important part of my life. Niah has been hard at work crafting me wedding cakes out of play do and Olivia was soo cute dancing around in her gold sparkly shoes. Shoes are never as cute as when they're on the feet of an excited little girl dancing around.
I remember dreaming and planning from a young age all about my wedding to come how i imagined flowers and frilly dresses sunshine and cake and of course a handsome prince. My dreams are so close to becoming a reality its time to bring those dreams to life in sweet little girls who will learn that the best Princes are the ones God introduces you to and that beautiful weddings and marriages are his special gift to show he loves us. Besides if I hadn't asked them I wouldn't have anyone to wear these perfect leaf filled dresses :)

1 comment:
Oh so cute! Can I steal your blog and post it on mine?? I love that they are so special and have no idea!
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