I've never been much of a gamer... but i've been known to enjoy the ocassional game of Tetris and I really liked Dr. Mario. Today Dr. Mario was available for purchase on our Nintendo Wii and Steve being the sweetheart he is bought it for me. We then spent several hours fighting viruses and laughing... Everytime one of us lost we got a kiss which was every round haha win-win situation... the winner and loser both got kisses and i'm proud to say I even managed to win a few rounds... Yes I beat out the Master gamer in my life. I proved to him that I am capable of holding a game controller haha we had so much fun and its a new thing we can do together to laugh! We really enjoyed it we enjoyed our long weekend together laughing with the Wii, I made potato salad (his favorite) and we saw Indiana Jones with my brother and some friends from church. Its back to work for me tomorrow and another week of seeing Steve for an hour a day. I think thats part of what made this weekend so special. I genuinely missed Steve this last week so we made every minute count this weekend. We cuddled and watched tv, We ate Pho and drank Vietnamese Iced Coffee ( which is so good it deserves a blog of its own). We Went to church and a movie. We played Wii and we bbq'd not to mention a delicious apple pie. All in all it was a good weekend and it was so nice to spend some quality time with my sweetheart.
I really enjoy the time Sam and I have together like that. It's important and you have to remember to always make time for each other. No matter what.....
That looks so fun! Dan & I haven't played the wii together for a while... we really should though, it is great bonding time for us too!
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