Yes a job... that thing I've been complaining about needing and wanting since December... I have one... I'm trying to see it as a blessing... cuz it is and it is the answer to many prayers of my own and my dear friends... I can (upon receipt of my first paycheck June 6th) pay off my florist, my cake (with the 2nd paycheck), my bridesmaids dresses (with the 3rd) and Steve's gift and ring (with the 4th) and on and on until round about October we can have our beautiful wonderful wedding... YAY!!! I should be sooo happy about this soo ecstatic and overjoyed, but while I am very very happy about being able to pay for my wedding, this job is like the desperation job around here. Its the place that is always hiring that everyone has worked at once upon a time. The place everyone has a horror story about. Yeh that place... There's one in every city. Now tomorrow will be my 4th day and aside from the rules and dress code and the fact that they'll fire you if you sneeze funny. It doesn't seem too bad all in all certainly well within the realm of my capability. I have even thought perhaps I'm over qualified. Its a job very much like other jobs I've had working in a call center customer service. This time instead of travel arrangements or banking its cell phone customer service. Its all pretty easy and its work I can enjoy for awhile... I did forget about the horrors of headset hair tho blech... and I just got my hair cut all cute and short! ( will post a pic as soon as I remember to take one...) Another draw back to this job is the schedule... Its 2:30-10pm Monday thru Friday for the first 8 weeks of training and then when I actually start its 1:30-10pm Thursday thru Monday. I can thankfully still go to church! ( another answered prayer) The bummer of it is tho I never get to see Steve we get to see each other maybe an hour a day if we're lucky and that's not enough time to like catch up and spend quality time together... ( We have a hot date for Pho on Saturday night) We miss each other and we've been more quick to bicker and short tempered and cranky which is no fun at all. When you only see the person you love for an hour a day you want sweet wonderful happy times not bickering and disagreements. I think I hope we're moving past the bickering phase. We remain faithful this is how God has provided for right now and he is giving us what we need to get thru it. Maybe tomorrow Whole Foods will call... I've been saying that every day for the last week... Even if Whole foods doesn't call or says No... I do have a job... And God is faithful and has provided and answered my prayers and I am trying to praise him for that and be thankful... even tho its not the job I wanted...
1 comment:
Hard stuff!! I will be praying for you! I hope, for your sake, that whole foods does call, but God has you right where he wants you (easy for me to say, right?!?!). No seriously, I struggle with being content too - and I'm doing what I always wanted (being a mom and a wife). I still have to remind myself (just like you are) to be THANKFUL, and to Rejoice in all things and that God has me right where he wants me! It's not easy for me either :)
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