God has always been faithful to keep a song in my heart no matter the circumstance he puts a song in my heart to remind me that he is my focus and my strength my joy my provision and he is in control of every moment and deserving of every moment of my praise... So on days when i start a crummy job that means i never get to see Steve or seemingly have 5 min to myself. He gives me comfort with a song... I pray my focus would remain on Him during this time when time with Steve is short... When time away from work means planning a wedding and not watching tv or reading a food blog... I pray God would be my portion strength and comfort and my hard work and toil would result in a beautiful wedding and a blessed marriage for my Steve and I...just sharing the songs He's put in my heart today...
"Before the throne of God above, I have a strong, a perfect plea, A great High Priest whose name is "Love," Who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His hands, My name is writen on His heart; I know that while in heav'n He stands no tongue can bid me thence depart. No tongue can bid me thence depart. When Satan tempts me to despair, and tells me of the guilt within, upward I look and see Him there Who made an end to all my sin. Because the sinless Savior died, my sinful soul is counted free; For God, the Just, is satisfied to look on him and pardon me. to look on him and pardon me. Behold him there! the risen Lamb, my perfect, spotless Righteousness, the great unchangeable I AM, the King of glory and of grace! One with Himself I cannot die, My soul is purchased by His blood; My life is hid with Christ on high, with Christ, my Savior and my God with Christ, my Savior and my God" --Charitie Lees Bancroft and Vikki Cook
Here I am, once again I pour out my heart For I know that you hear Every cry You are listening No matter what state my heart is in You are faithful to answer With words that are true And a hope that is real As I feel your touch You bring a freedom To all that’s within In the safety of this place I’m longing to ... Pour out my heart To say that I love you Pour out my heart To say that I need you Pour out my heart To say that I’m thankful Pour out my heart To say that you’re wonderful. -- Craig Musseau
Lord you are so wonderful and I pray you would show me your blessings during this time and help my focus to remain on you and not on how I wish things could be... My desire is to trust you and listen to you... Be close to Steve and I and draw us closer together...
1 comment:
so you got a job? What is it?? Good to hear what is going on in your heart :)
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