Friday, April 4, 2008


Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of the day we met... We met April 3,2006 we had talked on Myspace far a few days and decided to meet. Steve surprised me and took me to dinner at Bangkok Cuisine a local restaurant and personal favorite of ours... We did the same thing last year recreating our first date like this. Its almost hard to imagine its been 2 years. We've been through so much we've grown so much! Every day is just as exciting as the last and sometimes it feels like its still brand new that rush of new love! We still giggle and we're still cute enough to make people sick... We have our moments of arguing like an old married couple thats normal as we grow closer and become more accustom to eachother but even still we have so many wonderful joy filled moments filled with laughing and love. I hope we will never lose the cute silliness in our relationship that we will always be cute and make eachother laugh!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that I have been hearing about this guy for 2 years already. LOL ;)

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful with your honey--God is so good to give us these gifts!

Deaira Dea said...

i have to agree with Danae haha I look good in this picture like glowing good I should eat thai food more often or celebrate an anniversary...