Sushi Night- We went out to dinner with our friends Joey and Danae. We had a fabulous time and hope we can hang out with them again sometime. I ate Octopus. Steve ate Eel and we’re hoping Joey’s taste buds have grown back after the extra spicy tuna roll we shared! We hope to have dinner with them again soon. What will we eat next? Japanese? Indian? Thai maybe?
Deaira and the amazing technicolors dream shoes- I had been wanting a pair of these new trendy oh so cute flats in a wild funky pattern all unique and eclectic shoes most people would look at and go wow I have nothing to wear those with! I found them haha I even had money to buy then as they were on sale for $9.99 at target… they’re so cute and funky and perfect they’re the best shoes I could ever imagine I wish I could wear them every day but then well maybe they might not be around when I’m 80 for me to show my grand children the most awesome pair of shoes I’ve ever owned in my life…
Thankfulness-a friend from church recently moved her mother into a retirement home and generously offered us any furniture we may need to start our married life. We got 2 dressers, a night stand, a coffee table, an end table and a dining room set along with an adorable strawberry shaped cookie jar. We’re so grateful and woo hoo we’re paying rent on our very first place together… a storage unit on McCarran! God is good and his blessings are many! Thank you Bette and Dawn! We also have a lead on a couch YAY!!!
BABIES!!!- I know so many pregnant mommies… ok so really I only know 3, but its still so exciting! Babies are always such a wonderful blessing. It is so nice to go to church and see a tiny one or hear that sweet tiny little cry. Its so fun to talk to my best friend and help her pick out baby names and plan… I had the opportunity to make a baby shower cake for a young woman at church recently and just wanted to show it off… my plan was to make a pretty gourmet cake well I saw these adorable candies and had to make it a baby cake… I also made a very cool crafty diapers cake. The shower was wonderful tho. Good food and fellowship and cute kids! Thanks Mrs. Lear it was a wonderful time!
So happy together…- Once again I just have to remark on how wonderful my Steve is… watching him grow watching us grow together sometimes the way he responds to me in love and his support boggles my mind. He’ll say the most sweet things or he’ll realize before I even have that maybe something he said was selfish and he apologizes before I even have a chance to feel like he did something wrong or think something is wrong he’s asking me to forgive him. When I think he’s going to react one way he reacts in the totally opposite perfect way… he constantly surprises me and its these delicious perfect surprises in what I view as an already wonderful relationship that make it truly special.. Its weird to think you know someone and be surprised when you find out they're better than you originally thought...
Still waiting… and praying… -Still hoping for a job to come along applying in a lot of places even places where I’d hate to work. I’m getting so frustrated I have my wedding planned but no money to pay for it… on a plus side I’m ordering my dress soon and buying Steve’s wedding band with my tax refund…
That sushi looks so good, I almost think it would be worth trying, but then again, no thanks. LOL
I love how I get mentioned in a lot of your blogs ;)
this is a great way to keep up with you... I feel like I've spent the afternoon listening to how life is going for you and what you are up too. Such a treat as Ispend the afternoon by myself - waiting for Andrew to get up (and putting off my chores :)
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