So I've failed at my May Challenge which makes me sad I had really wanted to do it and spring clean my house... but in glancing thru the book (which is a perfectly fine good book) I found it to be a spring cleaning book and not so much a manage your every day life kind of book So until I can get a handle on the everyday its hard to imagine adding epic tasks like scrubbing my walls to it. I was amazed and disgusted tho when I scrubbed my kitchen cabinets blech... Its amazing to me how things get dirty that you wouldn't think get dirty offhand...
So a glimmer of hope I know my house isn't filthy! I could deal with the small amounts of shame if a friend dropped by un-announced most of the time. I have started just making little rules for myself tho to help me control the chaos. That way I don't feel like I have an insurmountable list of things to do. Among these; pick up Jeriah's toys when he sleeps This contributes to the overall cleanliness of the living room. I've also discovered if the toys are picked up he plays with them more lol. As soon as he's able to I'm going to start teaching him to help clean up the toys its on the horizon I can see it! :) Another thing I've tried to add is 30 min of kitchen clean up. Its easy for me on easy dinner nights when we only dirty 2 plates to leave the dishes for tomorrow but after 2 days of leaving the frying pan and 2 plates plus other assorted dishes I need to clean the kitchen badly!
I think the biggest challenge is time I feel like I need all day to clean but I'm learning cleaning up doesn't take a whole lot of time I just think it does cuz I don't want to do it. It reminds me of homework at some point I realized its easier to DO it and get it done than to not do it and suffer the consequences.
I do hope to read thru and complete the challenges in the book someday for the heart and home overhaul!
I should perhaps give Flylady another try I got off track with her awhile back before i coudl ever get started I think life just thru a monkey wrench in me :)
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