Praise God I have not puked once yet...and Praise God even if I do... but I really don't want to! He is creating a wondrous work inside my body!
I'm in a complaining mood lol... like how is it fair that all I wanna do is sleep like sleeping 10 hours a night seems to be the greatest thing ever and then that buys me about 6 hours of energy before I want a 2 hour nap. This is not conducive to a business environment or a normal work week! Ya know what else isn't working with work... eating 6 small meals a day! First off I'm having a hard time adjusting to eating more than like 2 meals a day add in the fact that my breaks at work are only 10 min long which is barely enough time to pee refill my water bottle and text my husband to tell him I love him let alone eat a banana or something... so I've been eating about 3 meals a day with a reasonable sized snack in the evening. I'm really wondering how I'm going to keep this up. Every day I get home from work and want to go to bed but I still need to cook dinner, spend time with my darling husband, read all this info and books about pregnancy and stuff, finish my Christmas crocheting, keep my house clean, pack lunches, do laundry and feed my neighbors cats while she's away... Its so true that a woman's work is never done. I'll take being tired and the PAIN that comes from my body preparing to feed my little Sugar Bean (when I say it that way it sounds much better than describing how I yelp if I lean against something the wrong way...) over vomit and dizziness any day. I shouldn't complain too much I should be grateful I can still work, grateful I can still function and restructure my day even more to allow for 10 hours of sleep and a nap in the middle of work while trying to squeeze in another 2-3 small meals... LOL
Haha in truth I really can't complain about being pregnant so far... compared to some... My sister is anxiously waiting to hear that I've spent some Quality time hugging the toilet ( she'll be hopping mad if I make it thru 9 months of pregnancy without puking)... and Steve's co-workers have him so afraid that I haven't been sick he wishes I would vomit at least once a week just to re-assure him and them that everything is fine... LOL
7 weeks tomorrow... and counting... I love my little Sugar Bean already tho... but we have a journey ahead of us still yet..
I only vomited twice in 9 months-both times for eating Italian too late at night before bed.
I hope that you don't have to get sick. I can't wait for you to be able to feel the baby moving. It's such a great experience.
Heh. I only barfed once with Matt. It was so violent, my eyes looked like I had pink eye for 2 days after. Took me nearly 2 reglar pregnancy tests and one blood test to get the doc to believe me when I said "Yo, preggers here!". Never barfed at all w/Chelsey or Bit. Vanessa, ye gods, I did nothing but for the first 4 months. However, w/Chelsey & Bit both, I had the "oogies" until about 6 weeks after they were born. Each one is different. There's no average standard. Plus, a lot of it has to do w/your overall health, eating habits and lifestyle. & You're actually quite a bit more centered and grounded than most women I know. *SHRUG*
I never threw up with Andrew and everything was fine. It's weird that some women are SO sick and other's don't ever even feel nauseaus (or however you spell it!) DON'T WORRY STEVE!!
wait till your anniversary! i threw up the morning of your wedding and was trying my hardest to stand threw the wedding sweating not to throw up! and the whole week before and many many weeks after! sorry but its in our genes sissy! i probably puked as many pounds as i weighed! and you really dont have to eat 6 small meals a day the dr always told me to eat when i could and that 3 meals with some snacking in between would work.
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