I cannot even begin to recount the thousands of blanket patterns I have looked at in the last year since I took up hook and yarn again! I had good reason to every one I know seemingly had a baby in the last year! Ok not everyone but a whole lot of someones! Since Steve and I got married (Can you believe its almost been a year) I have made at least 8 baby blankets along with other assorted booties, hats, sweaters, stuffed turtles and elephants... (I owe Izaiah a toy) I'm in a bit of a quandary here... I have to make our baby something and a blankie is the most obvious answer for me a sweet soft manifestation of my love that I can wrap my little Sugar Bean up in...
There's so many things to ponder... obviously I'm eager to start this new blankie! Crochet time is not as plentiful as it once was but I have to find the pattern and what colors. Since we don't know what we're having and I'm still not sure if I wanna know what were having it makes it trickier still. Even if we knew I know I wouldn't want traditional baby pink or baby blue... If it's a girl I wanna use colors like dark purple, lime green and white, or Orange hot pink and green. For a boy I'm thinking brown and white with turquoise and red or orange green and brown... Its so hard to choose... I know I want bright vibrant colors that a 4 yr old could drag around behind them...
Right now my main dilemma is should I go with something simple and classic.... in a solid color like buttery yellow or minty green....

Or... Should I indulge my inner artist and play with color shapes and pattern should I stretch and push my crochet creativity and try something unique and fancy...

The most beautiful blanket I think I've seen so far is that one at the very top. I found it around the time we found out we were expecting... I love the simplicity of it I love the colors ( safe for either sex) to me its just the most beautiful simple thing but so colorful and fun. Still i don't quite know if its special enough to be the blankie from mommy! :)
I'M GONNA BE A MOMMY!!! wheee hehee