The little Squirt is here.... all stitched up and ready to be packed in a box and sent to Michigan to keep nephew #3 company... :) Lately I've really been thinking about family how badly I miss Steve's family how its so sad they're so far away. We miss out on so much birthday parties, graduations, weddings and now the birth of a new family member... Our first nephew Gabe is going to be a big brother on Wednesday. I'm sure he'll be a good one as soon as he figures it out He's already very excited to play and share his Spider man toys... Uncle Steve and I have sent a baby gift to Asher (a new stroller) and a big brother gift to Gabriel ( a Spider man bike with training wheels) of course my fingers couldn't let punching my credit card info into the web page be enough tho! Asher is also getting a cuddly basket weave blanket with a small turtle swimming across it... An adorable frog hat some warm fuzzy socks, an elephant bib among other things... like the huge huggable stuffed turtle that jingles, is soft and cuddly... :)

I cried a little folding everything up thinking about this new baby boy God created and praying about the life he'll have. I pray God would be with him always and his name would be true in his life...I pray he is blessed and he learns who the provider of those blessings is... Its so funny to love a little person not even born yet... not knowing when I'll get to meet him or hold him but just to love him as his Auntie and spoil him with tangles of yarn :)
I hugged these things close sending my love in a box to Michigan to keep these sweet boys warm.... I didn't forget Gabe either he'll have his very own bright colorful blanket to snuggle up in. 
1 comment:
ok its official Zaiah wants a big adorable turtle like that since theres no cute monkeys =]
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