I've been thinking lately that a lot of the things in my life even the promises and blessing God gives require WORK not just half-hearted work but full on truly dedicated blood sweat and tears never stopping cuz it only gonna get harder HARD WORK...
Marriage is HARD WORK
Raising Children is HARD WORK
Being a child of God is HARD WORK
Even little things seemingly unimportant yet important meaningful things to me trivial to most probably and not taken seriously by much of the world... The world has invented shortcuts to many of these desires...
Natural child birth is HARD WORK (so hard I can't even fathom it just yet but I pray for the strength even now, Is it odd I feel like its my biblical right to experience pain during childbirth...)
Using cloth diapers will be HARD WORK ( lots of laundry, not so pleasant smelling laundry. I'm thankful for those who've gone before me... I will treasure their advice and suggestions )
Being a stay at home mom will be HARD WORK ( Not to mention God still hasn't disclosed to me if that is His plan.... but I keep praying it is and praying if it is not He will give me what I need )
Homeschooling my children will be HARD WORK
Being be a good steward of the Earth God has given us is HARD WORK ( this explains the cloth diapers and why I give Steve a dirty look when he suggests we use paper plates... LOL )
Now in all honesty one should know its kind of a gimme isn't it that all this stuff would be HARD WORK... its not rocket science its not a deeply guarded secret but I think often times we glaze over it or life gives us this idea that it'll all be ok and we don't have to work that hard... Life even gives us shortcuts to some of these things... like divorce and public school and disposable diapers... Convenience Ahh! My Dad likes to say that what everyone always hopes for and strives for is "an easy satiated life" a need for nothing... and yet even people who seemingly have need for nothing seek after things are never truly satisfied.... Only God satisfies!
God has been showing me lately asking me I think... all these things are well and good and because I desire to honor Him in them He is willing to bless us with them but I think He's also preparing me for the full on truly dedicated blood sweat and tears never stopping cuz it only gets harder HARD WORK...
Good thing I have Him cheering me on, giving me a hand up and providing for me. Praise His name for showing me the blessings that come from that hard work... may every drop of blood sweat and tears be for His glory! May my committment and desire in these things be with a heart meant to serve my Father in heaven! May it be His strength I depend on and draw from as I do what He commands!