* I wonder if Steve and I will ever get tired of baked sweet potatoes I think we've been eating them like once a week lately....
*I searched high and low for a silly pattern to crochet a stuffed turtle for nephew #3 Asher Levine Southwell who will be born on July 8, 2009 when I finally found a pattern I liked the woman wanted $8 for the pattern so I looked at her picture very carefully and invented my own... Pictures will follow as soon as the sweet squirt is stitched together (the turtle not the baby)
* The veggie soup I made way back whenever probably around the time of my last random post is still stupendously delicious after its long sojourn in the freezer and is especially soothing to the sore throats that are currently visiting the Gobles this week... silly allergies! We hope its allergies is anyone else sick?
* That banana picture reminds me of the 5-6 blackened bananas sitting in my freezer waiting to be delicious banana bread... My friend Jessica said she freezes banana's when they get too soft I adopted this idea and think of you every time I freeze them Jess! :)
* I had some really great chicken salad this weekend when we took my Dad out for Father's day. My Mayo-cautious husband even agreed it was delicious and agreed I could try concocting my own delicious chicken salad!
*I miss the rain! Lord please bring back the rain it was delicious perfect weather the house was cool... Now its too hot to cuddle my husband at night and that makes us sad!
* I saw the most beautiful blog about a loaf of bread complete with a gorgeous picture made me miss the sensation of kneading dough being up to my elbows in it and creating soft pillowy bread warm from the oven with honey drizzled on it... Someday Lord can I stay home and raise my children in the fear and admonition of you and bake bread?
* Speaking of children all these babies popping up everywhere sure makes a girl think about being a mommy... sometimes I cuddle Izaiah and nuzzle his soft little head and wish it was my turn soon... I hear about books that are helpful and things and wonder if maybe I shouldn't start researching and reading up on this stuff... beyond passing decisions about natural labor, doulas and cloth diapers....
*Several crochet projects I've seen recently have required buttons I wish I had my grandma's button collection it'd be so handy... I miss my Grandma more than her buttons tho.
*My birthday is coming up soon and my sweet husband has been putting money away to treat me to a delicious dinner... I think right now its a tie between a fancy dinner at the Bistro Napa or Sushi and dessert at the Chocolate Bar...
*Do I ever talk about anything not related to yarn, food or my Steve?
LOL. Yes, you do talk about other things with me! But, we talk about those things as well. :)
Love all the updates! I say start baking your bread before the kids... you have more time on your hands now, trust me :-) (and two free hands to do it!)
Everyday this week I thought about making banana bread cause I have tons of bananas in the freezer. O I heard from someone that you need to peel them before you freeze them. That makes a lot of sense. Not that it doesn't work with the peel its just a little more difficult with the peel.
I agree with Lindy--practice your bread-baking techniques BEFORE you have kids, then it doesn't seem quite so overwhelming after they've arrived!
Also, peeling the bananas is a must (at least for my sanity). I know some folks who even mash them first, but I've never gone that far.
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