One of Steve's favorite foods since we got married is something i make called a Dutch Baby... its also called an oven pancake or a german pancake. I have probably made these 4-5 times in the 3 short months we've been married. I usually make breakfast for dinner at our house. Steve leaves so early in the morning having breakfast together wouldn't really be super possible. Anyways Dutch babies to me are like a marriage of pancakes and french toast they're light and fluffy like a pancake but custardy and eggy like french toast they're delicately sweet and have a yummy vanilla flavor! They're super easy and fast to make too like for lazy sunday evenings... You can eat them with butter and syrup i guess traditionally they're served with butter lemon and powdered sugar... ( i should try em that way someday). We eat them fresh out of the oven hot and fluffy before they deflate (they puff up like a souffle). I love sharing recipes its like sharing love so here's some love to anyone who wants it... a big delicious fluffy custardy treat from us to you!
Dutch Baby
1/4 cups sugar
½ cup milk
½ cup flour
2 eggs
½ tsp vanilla
2 tbsp butter
1. Heat oven to 425
2. put butter in a 9” glass pie dish and place in oven
3. thouroughly mix the remaining ingredient
4. when the butter has melted pour the batter into the dish and return to oven
5. bake for 12 min until puffy and golden brown on the edges but still moist in the center
serves 2
This can be made in any pan as far as I know the important thing is just that the pan pre-heats with the butter in it and don't be alarmed if the butter browns a little it adds extra flavor.
One of my favorite foods, and great to make with all the eggs I get on WIC
can I use a black pie dish? or a glass square dish?
As far as i know you can use any pan regardless of shape color etc...
Oh, I forgot. I cover mine in powdered sugar and syrup. Sammi like powdered sugar and cinnamon on hers.
Ok so I made this last night. It was so yummy. Then about 2 hours later Steve asked, "what's for dessert?" I had nothing so he suggested making the Dutch Boy again for dessert. :)
sounds good - can't wait to try it :)
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