Well I'm halfway there I have a NV state issued ID that says I'm Deaira Goble... Have to go to the social security office still yet an get my employer to change the name on my paycheck and then contact the myriad of other people to change my name woo hoo haha ya know i've waited my whole life to be Mrs. Somebody... not that I didn't appreciate or love being an Elwell I do and I will always be an Elwell but there's some kind of excitement when you're a little girl dreaming about getting married and you find out that your last name will change and you'll get to be Mrs. Somebody.... It will be so nice when everyone has been contacted when there's no question when steve calls me Mrs Goble i'll really legally be Mrs. Goble... I don't even know if i'm doing this the rigth way first the DMV then social security then everyone else I hope i'm not forgetting anything important... There are companies online that will sell a kit to help you with the process but they want like $50 and who knows what they do if anything thats really useful I'm sure i don't need to pay $50...
I wish I wrote down the checklist for changing my name... it's been a while, but it sounds like you are doing everything right and very much on top of things! good for you!! I know I was the same way in wanting to get it all switched over as soon as possible :-)
I thought you had to do social security and then DMV but if you got to do it the other way good job. Next voter registration, credit cards, work...no one else really matters :) O if you have a library card it helps to at least change your phone number with them...in case you put books on hold.
It all works. I believe the DMV was my first stop. Then I took my marriage license and my new ID to the SS office and got that changed. I got a new card quick, then used that to get the name changed on my checks and whatnot. The bank was good at cashing checks made out to my maiden name until I had the chance to get my SS card. But, some employers will do it with just your marriage license to, I'd think.....
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