Sunday, November 16, 2008

Becoming Mrs. Goble

Well I'm halfway there I have a NV state issued ID that says I'm Deaira Goble... Have to go to the social security office still yet an get my employer to change the name on my paycheck and then contact the myriad of other people to change my name woo hoo haha ya know i've waited my whole life to be Mrs. Somebody... not that I didn't appreciate or love being an Elwell I do and I will always be an Elwell but there's some kind of excitement when you're a little girl dreaming about getting married and you find out that your last name will change and you'll get to be Mrs. Somebody.... It will be so nice when everyone has been contacted when there's no question when steve calls me Mrs Goble i'll really legally be Mrs. Goble... I don't even know if i'm doing this the rigth way first the DMV then social security then everyone else I hope i'm not forgetting anything important... There are companies online that will sell a kit to help you with the process but they want like $50 and who knows what they do if anything thats really useful I'm sure i don't need to pay $50...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Learning the ropes...

I'd like to think I'm doing pretty good at this whole wife thing and then i open my dryer and my failures are right there waiting to be put away...

I have made it a point to make sure all the dishes (save maybe that one before bed glass of water I had) are done before I go to bed... and stacked up neatly in the dish drainer waiting to be put away...

My husband is very quick to compliment and he thanks God for me every day when we pray... I pray I am a blessing to my husband... God is quick to point out my failures and keep me humble... piles of clean laundry and dishes...

I've got the ropes down I plan all my dinners so we shop once a week and I have 1-2 dinners waiting on standby in case we have to switch to plan b. We keep things tidy and uncluttered and I wouldn't be embarassed if friends stopped by unannounced...

Then I open the dryer... and see the laundry I did a week ago waiting to be put away... or I go to clean up the kitchen after dinner and see the dishes I did yesterday are still piled up so high one more fork wuld topple the pile...

I've delegated some chores to Steve... like putting away the dishes and he's good about it... he also vacuums and cleans the bathroom he helps tidy up and he sprays the bed down with febreeze when he makes it so its fresh and clean every time we climb in. I even taught him how to work the washer and dryer tonight and he's followed my "start dinner" instructions to the letter... I am blessed by my husband....

I am very good at the cleaning part of housework but not so good at the putting away part... I've always struggled with putting things away... except groceries i like putting groceries away but laundry and dishes can't we just pull em out of the dryer??? I guess we can until my husband complains he has no socks...

Time to go put away 2 weeks worth of laundry... blech...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

a Married Bubble

We have happily spent the last 3 weeks living in a little married bubble... I've temporarily abandoned Steve's sugary nickname and just call him "husband" and he's taken to calling me Mrs. Lady... I think I'll keep that nickname...I kind of feel like the last 3 weeks has flown by in a blur of marrital bliss. We forgot so many things family birthdays and anniversaries other promises and responsibilities thankfully nothing MAJOR... I went out with my mom and was shocked to see how much construction had progressed somewhere... Its like we came home on our wedding night and holed up in our little apartment and we poke our head out every so often to go to church or the grocery store but beyond that the last 3 weeks have felt safe and sound snuggled up at home with my husband (all except for those pesky 8 hours a day at work). We've settled in cleaned up unpacked and we're learning the ropes... Deaira does dishes Steve puts them away. Steve takes out trash and Deaira does laundry. We spend quiet nights at home watching tv and talking thoroughly enjoying our little married bubble. I don't know another way to describe it... I like it.... Its fun to cook dinner every night and sit down listen to my husband Thank God for the food for me and for the blessings He's given us. Its fun to pack Steve lunch and imagine him smiling wide when he finds the special treat i tucked inside. Its not at all like i imagined and yet its the best thing i've ever experienced.... Our little married bubble...