Our wedding invitations are now zooming their way around the country and being hand delivered to special friends. I'm really happy with them. We made them from a DIY kit. I knew I wanted something with leaves to convey my leaf obsession in everything from cake to color and flowers but every invitation I saw in a catalog wasn't quite what I wanted or was way too much money to justify spending for a piece of paper people were most likely going to toss in a pile and throw away at some point. So I found these very sweet sage green cards with vellum very basic then I found these vividly colored fall leaf stickers( all on clearance hello God provides!!! ) my creative juices started flowing and ta da you have my invitation each one is unique and believe me when I tell you each one was lovingly carefully and thoughtfully put together! Steve and I started looking at how to word them when I was still in Texas haha we looked up we combined our creative poetic brains and we scoured the internet for examples we finally came down to the Final 5... we mixed we twisted we became wizards of wordplay and I think we did a great job! I personally fed my printer each sheet of vellum and pulled out the mangled bent masses as well. My mom, my sister and I placed each sticker on each card and My sister and her friend Franco tied the vellum to every card and stuffed them in envelopes. I baked them a cake to say thank you! And our invitations are out its official and now we wait and eagerly check email every chance we get to see if anyone has RSVP'd yet. Please RSVP it would make Steve so happy :)

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