We bought Steve's wedding band and i'm happy to say its exactly what he wanted! :) I'm glad its done i'm glad he's as happy with his ring as i am with mine. Sometimes i look at my hand and am still 11 months later surprised to see it sparkling up at me... and i think about this ring on his hand and all that that means... I know when he wears this ring it means he is mine and I am his. We love that it has crosses on it to remind us of the gift we have in Our Lord the strength we have the purpose and promise. I can't wait to put this ring on his finger I can't wait to see it on his hand i can't wait to hold his hand and feel the little band of cool metal brush against my palm. Its a ring... its a symbol of all our love all our comittment and above all our faith that God is in control that God has brought us together and we can and do walk by faith and trust God... My greatest prayer lately is that when we're old and gray sitting in our rocking chairs looking back over our life and our marriage we can say It was fun it was hard but we trusted the Lord and he is good! We can say that even today amidst new cars and crummy work schedules. We have a florist bill we don't know when we can pay off and his family still hasn't booked their plane tickets... but we have and we do trust and know that God is working... God will bring everyone safely to Reno... God will make sure the cake is paid for... God will ensure that Deaira's wedding dress fits and God will be with us all the days of our lives... Praise the Lord give thanks to the Lord for He is good!
The ring is gorgeous! Good job... I remember going around to jewelry stores with Dan to pick his out. I love what you said about being excited to feel it on his hand. It really is such a great daily reminder of our commitment and God's blessing!
yes, very nice ring. i am so excited for you!!
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