On a side note its been day #2 of heartburn. There's hope my baby won't be bald!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A day of 100 cravings....
On a side note its been day #2 of heartburn. There's hope my baby won't be bald!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Jeriah's frogs...
A funny thing about frogs in relation to our son. Steve and I watch this Japanese Anime and one of the characters name is Jiraiya. He's a funny old ninja with... an army of toads. He's referred to respectfully as the "Toad Sage" I guess you could say Jiraiya kind of led us towards the name for our boy. We liked the name it sounded cool and maybe even biblical? So we researched it and we found Jeriah which means "Jehovah has seen" . We didn't have to think or look anymore we had our baby boy's name. He would be Jeriah. Our little toad sage seen by Our Lord and watched over by an army of cuddly frogs(that will grow in number quickly at the rate we're going!)
I find myself pretty excited at this idea of a little froggy boy. There's something special about little boys. Their enthusiasm and impish faces. Their desire to make mud pies and play with worms. At the moment all I can think about is a squishy little baby so tiny with a smooshy little face for me to kiss and tiny little toes for me to tickle. I can't wait to snuggle him against me! Its funny how deeply I've fallen in love with this little boy over the last week of knowing who he is. And the journey is only beginning... Ribbit Ribbit
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Hello in there!
Who are you little one... I realized yesterday that I can't wait to have a name for the child that is making me nauseous and or causing me to grab my tummy after a sharp little jolt of pain! It would be nice to start this whole discipline thing early ya know...Emma Grace don't make mommy's tummy twinge like that or Jeriah Daniel Mommy will eat a graham cracker in just a minute be patient. Sometimes I'm sad that it won't be a surprise but I'm accepting and seeing some benefit to knowing who's in there. I'm afraid to think one way or the other who it is I'm afraid I'll be disappointed which is silly because I wouldn't be disappointed either way. A Sweet Emma would mean cute frilly clothes and a baking partner for mommy. She would mean hair to braid and a niece for Uncle Andy and Uncle Ryan! I would get to teach her to be a big sister and give her my most treasured baby doll! A little Jeriah would mean overalls and super Mario t-shirts he would be a little gaming buddy for his Daddy and a little brother figure for Izaiah which would be good. He would be upholding The Goble Family tradition of first born boys! How could I possibly be disappointed at either outcome.
Sometimes I think I feel my munchkin in there when I'm laying in bed. It feels like their doing aerobics moving so fast that can't be right... can it? Or I feel like the faintest tiniest little bitty thumps? That could all be in my head. Sometimes I'll put my hand on my tummy and think I feel things then I realize ohh that's my own heartbeat! I should be feel something soon and know for sure that my baby is playing with my insides! Maybe I have been for a month and I'm just afraid to believe that it really is my baby dancing inside me! I'm kind of eager for this experience to be a little more real a little more tangible. I think most of the time I forget I'm pregnant cuz I don't really feel or look pregnant. ( so long as I've had a snack) That stage where I hate all of my clothes and feel fat and self conscious is fast approaching! (Dear Santa for Christmas may I have a new pair or 2 of pants and a black and white bella band? ) My husband still tells me I'm beautiful! I love him! :) Other people too tell me I look good I'm gonna store it up for when I really do feel fat and ugly! I don't think you'd know it to look at me that I'm 5 months pregnant. I haven't taken a single picture cuz when I look in the mirror I still see myself. I wanna take pictures and see my baby and me! I wanna be able to look back someday and show my baby see that's when you were in mommy's tummy! :)
I've been reading too much... too much about Breast feeding, cloth diapering, home birthing and too much about vaccinations! With so many ideas and opinions it's so easy to get confused or question what is right. There are things I know for sure... I know I will breastfeed for as long as I can and my baby wants to! I know I will use cloth diapers cuz they're cute and we'll save so much money and it seems like the right thing to do! I know someday I would like to have a baby at home if I'm able! Vaccinations well that might require more reading and prayer...
In one more week we'll know and my world will never be the same... It hasn't been the same since I peed on 4 sticks one Sunday morning :) There's something about knowing though. We can't wait to know who God is knitting together in my belly! That will be a joyous thing! My baby can hear me soon and I can't wait to sing to it. I can't wait to sit on the couch and hold my big belly and sing to it about My Father's love! I can't wait to stop calling the poor kid IT!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
What Gobles Gobble... It will be mine... someday...
Broccoli Bake... As long as I can remember my mom has made this for Christmas, Thanksgiving or both its ridiculously simple ridiculously easy and ridiculously horrible, fattening and bad for you to eat... but on holidays we're supposed to indulge right? :) I craved this non-stop for a week before Thanksgiving and pregnancy had nothing to do with it. I wanted the cheesy gooey crunchy broccoli goodness baked up and spooned on my plate. Broccoli is very very good for you afterall hehehe! Steve who's previous favorite holiday food was always Green Bean Casserole will now willingly confess the Broccoli Bake is #1 since he met me! Now onto the recipe:
Broccoli Bake
4 pkg frozen chopped Broccoli (about 40 oz)
1 lb loaf Velveeta cheese, cut into cubes
40-50 Ritz crackers, crushed ( sometimes I'll put crushed in the casserole and whole cracker on top to be pretty and don't feel limited with 40-50)
1 stick (1/2 c.)Butter, melted
salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F) In a saucepan cook Broccoli until hot, then stir in Velveeta and stir to coat its not necessary that all the cheese melts just so that that Broccoli is coated and saucy. Season to taste with salt and pepper and stir in half of the crushed Ritz Crackers. Spread into a greased baking dish (13"x9") and top with remaining crackers then pour melted butter over top. Bake for 30 min until hot and bubbly.
I hope someone will try it and love it as much as we do... Oh and if anyone sees a blog giveaway for a Le Creuset Dutch oven... let me know as that would resolve Culinary desire #2 tee hee!