Now, I'd give anything to hear my grandma's voice again I miss her nearly every day and I can only imagine what she'd have to say about the possibility of a new baby for her to love. She loved babies she loved being a Grandma! My grandma made me feel like I was her favorite grand kid. I'm sure she didn't have favorites but she really made me feel like I was it. I was always Grandma's girl. She told me this, she'd hold me and hug me when I cried and say "Be Grandma's big girl Deaira." When I was with Grandma I didn't feel like a little kid I felt like her buddy.
Grandma had other wisdom too... She was around quite often when I was growing up. I'm thankful for that! The wisdom I've heard repeatedly in my head the last 2 weeks... "Just throw it all up Deaira you'll feel better" Now really what kind of advice is that? Who likes throwing up ever... Grandma was generally right tho I'd throw up after hearing her encouragement 100 times and then she'd bring me 7 up and tuck a sniffling sick little me into bed and it would all be better when I woke up :) Somehow I don't think that applies to pregnancy. I fear if I were to listen to Grandma's voice inside my head it would start a horrific cycle of toilet hugging I'd really like to avoid... FOREVER!
I think I've decided the best thing for me to do is just remain horizontal as much as possible which is convenient cuz napping seems to be my new favorite pass time...