My Job recently changed as of last week. Previously I was helping professional people who were having a problem with their company provided cell phones. I had 10-20 min between each phone call it was leisurely. I could crochet I could chat with my co-workers I could teach them to crochet... I made blankets and hats and booties and sweaters and countless other things... I crocheted like I was a machine and I could forget and forgive that I work til 8:30 at night and only got a precious 3 hours with my husband everyday. I was relaxed I was mellow stress became entwined with love as I twisted and looped yarn on my hook.
Last week everything changed now I get to help Average Joe consumers... and I've decided those professional people who didn't pay their own bills were much nicer than Mr. Average Joe who pays his own. I recognize and acknowledge when its your own money you become more protective of it and I acknowledge that problems are frustrating but it hurts me deeply when I express a sincere and friendly desire to help someone and I hear "Don't Apologize" or "You can't possibly understand how frustrated I am" Then I am cursed at and cussed at and I can't even ask them politely to lower their voice... or to please not speak to me with that language. I have to take the abuse... I always try to treat these people the way I would hope someone would treat me I am always willing to help and I will do everything within my power to help them and for some reason my friendly warm sweet as pie approach only seems to enrage them more... I could not and would not yell and demean and belittle someone who was expressing sincerity and a genuine friendly attitude toward me no matter how upset I am. Maybe its because I've done this type of work for so long but being yelled at and cussed at and insulted all day long for trying to fix the mess even if it is the fault of the company I work for is draining and since I'm lucky to get 20 seconds of time between every screaming average Joe I no longer get to watch my stress fall off my crochet hook with every stitch. Everyday it is wound more tightly like the balls of yarn that remain untouched in my craft bag. I miss Steve now more than ever... my frustration with working and waiting my prayers for the future life we trust the Lord to provide are renewed and more fervent... A home we can raise a family in and an income that will allow me to stay at home and be the wife and mother I'm called to be. I'm also praying that God would give me a better attitude about where he has me in life... and I will trust the Lord with finishing my works in progress and unwinding all the stress built up...